Getting married before 19th July ? You need to read this!
Who really knows what’s going on?
I wish we had all the answers, but sadly – we don’t. It has taken me more than one go at writing this for you as we have been getting different information from authorities but at last, I think I have got the basics right. You are all asking the same questions and of course, we want to support you to help make sure that you have “the best day ever”. So this last week we have been giving guidance (as we understand it) to our upcoming couples and how the announcement on 14th June from Boris affects them
So eyes down and look in – here goes!
It’s a numbers game.
While the old rule had its advantages in that if there were family members you didn’t want to invite, you could say “sorry – its covid rules “ and you would be forgiven for limiting the numbers. That excuse won’t wash from 21st June as the number of guests at your wedding can increase from the current rule of 30. How many extra guests you can have is not down to you though – it is up to your venue and their “socially distanced” capacity. Each venue must have produced a Covid-19 risk assessment and they will be able to tell you the numbers that they can let you have.
One thing to remember is that all guests, including children, the wedding party, couple, venue staff and suppliers are included in the capacity allowed. You can have evening guests but again your total when added to the day guests that are staying for the whole wedding must not go over the capacity allowed.
Who’s behind the mask?
Personalised masks could be the new “wedding favour” Everyone has got to wear them if your ceremony and reception are indoors, so why not get them personalised. Saves a lot of hassle when trying to decide what to give each of your guests on the table – so this might be the perfect answer Masks have to be worn all the time except when eating and drinking. The good news is that you don’t have to be seated at socially distant tables in groups of 6, so it’s up to you who you get close to now.
How many different ways can you serve a sausage roll?
If you have opted for canapes, buffets, hog roast or bbq – these can all still happen, we just have to serve them differently than we would have done. It can be done so don’t worry about it, The rules are that all food and drink must be served to the table – bear in mind that this will mean that we will be a lot slower in food service or you will be charged for additional staff – whatever the case, we will be doing our best.
Can we dance, and who really shouldn’t?
You can have a DJ or live music so that’s OK. Dancing is advised against, but not illegal – so that’s OK too, though I have seen reports that you would have to wear a mask when doing it but having a dance floor is banned.
This is great news for all the “Dad dancers” who, even though they have had a year or so to practice in the front room (what did you do during lockdown?), I am willing to bet they won’t have gotten any better !! and everyone can dance like no one is watching, except of course we all will be!! So as long as you are happy to dance on the carpet or tiled floor feel free – just talk to your venue about how to reduce the risk.
Lots more information covering other aspects of your wedding day can be found via the government website at
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